Immigration Policy of Canada

Immigration Policy of Canada

Canada has successful history of striving and sustaining multi cultural-ism by being cordial to immigrants. It has made a successful status of foreign born folks with almost one fifth ratio of its population. Immigrants in return leave no corner to fuel up its economic credibility and growth. Thus, this vice versa gives Canada an Eminent position amongst the highly industrialized states on the of the major reasons that Canada is considered the most considerable and apt destination is the hospitality towards immigration programs like random and temporary employees, bread winners, traders, workers and refugees.

Alongside Canadian government, its people correspondingly hold an immense heart feel and acceptance to variegated cultures and casts and their region. They heart fully welcome multicultural identities at their land unlike other developed and established states of the first world. Immigrants who migrate to Canada mostly opt Ontario as their comfort and leading destination. Around fifty percent of Ontario population is marked by the foreign immigrants because of its versatile amenities including cheap residence, more employment and plenty of work opportunities with much more

Canadian immigration mainly falls into four basic categories:

- Economic Class

- The family sponsored immigrants.

- Refugees

- Compassionate immigrants

Over the past few years Canada has achieved the highest ratio of welcoming immigrants from across the globe. As per survey it expects a target of around 202,300 economic immigrants, 91,000 family sponsorships, and 51,700 refugees, 4,500 compassionate and other immigrants in 2021.


Economic Class

This Category is supposed to be served as the model for the rest of the developed nations. It holds a main stream comprising of people who are entertained by business opportunities and federal excellent worker programs. This system offers candidates handsome jobs , English and French language proficiency, commendable education and experience. Canadian government offers generous permanent residence opportunities every two weeks to the deserving candidates. The whole selection process revolves around a detailed bio-metric screening and an efficient language test. Thus, informing people with their take and decision within six months. Other pathways are the PNP ( provisional nominee program ) and Quebec specific program where people are allowed to apply at the provincial level and as per each individual province candidates who assist to balance their economical instability are selected, but this source does not a permanent residency.


Family sponsored immigrants

This group stands next to the economic class where it caters kinship: all the intimate relations including children, parents, spouse and grandparents. Couples who are not even legally married also fall in this category but they ought to prove long term relationship with a substantial proof.



Every passing year, Canada provides more asylum to the refugees which accommodates the most vulnerable candidates of the affected countries Syria, Iraq, Philippines ,  Nigeria etc. in 2018 US was overtaken by Canada as the world™s top refugee re-settlers by offering permanent residency to above 28000 homeless people specially from Syria , Iraq , middle east and Africa.


Compassionate immigrants

This category is special in its own way where it takes people with exceptional cases and scenarios people who are afflicted with natural calamities and expect hardships if they have to go their homeland are the main course of this group.

In recent times amidst the pandemic of covid alongside rest of the radical systems immigration has gone through restrictions. The Canadian government allegedly controlled the immigration to confinement and blocked the entry of foreign travelers. Nevertheless , Ottawa the capital of Canada allowed and made the Canadian universities virtual attendance possible to students around the world.

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